Chelsea’s training in Swedish oil Massage, Shiatsu Acupressure, Trigger Point Therapy, Craniosacral techniques, Fire Cupping, Moxa, Reiki energy work, and Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage creates a unique Bodywork experience. By blending these modalities seamlessly Chelsea smoothes the edges, reconnects disrupted patterns, and brings space between the layers.

This dimensional space creates a container to metabolize what ails you. Maybe its a hitch in the giddy-up or a crick in the neck, or its decades of trying to force yourself into a box you no longer fit. We lay it all on the table to map the body’s pattern of function and dysfunction. Some of these patterns have stories that take time to unravel. If you are feeling outside of your body - this Bodywork brings you back to your roots.

Find your ESSENCE during this 120-minute massage session.


Please do not eat or drink 30 minutes ahead of our appointment.

  • What should I wear? Nothing, or underwear if you’d prefer. You are draped with sheets the entire session.

  • What if I don’t want abdominal work? Sometimes bellies are very vulnerable places for people, each session includes an intake to check in about comfort.

  • What do I do after the session? I think of this work as a container for whatever your body needs to heal, begin to look at, shift a story — the list goes on. Sometimes it can be emotional, so its HIGHLY encouraged that you have a post-care plan that focuses on integrating the bodywork for the most effective results. Maybe someone else cooks.

  • Where are you located? New studio in Sheffield, MA. Detailed instructions will be sent in your confirmation email.